
[push h=»20″]Aural rehabilitation is a complex process in which the user’s personality is examined by the hearing aid audiologist. The aim of this process is to select hearing aids that are best suited to the patient, not only in terms of their audiometric curve but also in accordance with their abilities and lifestyle, in order that proper advice may be provided and the best results obtained in their fitting.
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The success of hearing aid fitting requires 40% knowledge of the audiogram and 60% knowledge of the patient and their lifestyle, which involves knowing how the patient interprets their hearing problem.
Patient’s attitude towards hearing loss[push h=»20″]
The patient’s attitude towards hearing loss and amplification is essential in the rehabilitation process. Various types of attitude are described below:

  • Type I:the patient has a positive attitude towards hearing aids and hearing rehabilitation. These patients only have to select the type of hearing aid in accordance with their tastes and abilities and a personal fitting plan for successful adaptation.
  • Type II: essentially involves a positive attitude, but there are factors that complicate the situation. An example of this would be having an unpleasant experience in the past.
  • Type III: negative attitude, but with an element of cooperation.
  • Type IV: the patient completely rejects hearing aids, making it impossible to fit them. The alternative is to define the underlying problem and eliminate the reasons for it, resulting in a move towards type III.


[push h=»20″]Once the patient’s attitude towards rehabilitation is known, “the counseling process begins”. Provide information, advice and support to find out the opinions, attitudes and behavior of patients with hearing loss.

All rehabilitation therapies require the patient to trust the rehabilitator, and the best way to achieve this is:

  • By telling them the truth about the requirements and possibilities of fitting.
  • By explaining the advantages and limitations, with the sincere aim of helping them to improve their hearing.
  • Obstacles to the successful use of hearing aids include: bad previous experiences; advice from people with unsuccessful results who were treated by professionals discourage use.
  • When the patient with impaired hearing is aware that they are carrying out an appropriate audiological study, the rehabilitation possibilities are explained and adequate prosthetic aids are offered, and the patient changes their attitude towards the use of hearing aids and feels positive about amplification.